
Cookies Policy

A cookie is a file which is downloaded to the user’s computer/smartphone/tablet to store and recover browsing information when they access certain web pages. Cookies do not provide any information about the user’s name or any other personal data, and are used only for functioning, security and statistical purposes. The cookies we use cannot read data from your computer or other cookies. You can configure your browser to display an on-screen alert when you are going to receive a cookie. If the user decides not to accept cookies, this will not prevent them accessing the information on www.soloartinstitute.com

Colección SOLO uses its own cookies to manage the different services offered to the user. Depending on the purpose for which they are used, these cookies may be divided into the following categories:

Session cookies: designed to gather and store data when the user accesses their private area of www.soloartinstitute.com. These cookies are erased at the end of the session and deleted from the user’s device.

Persistent cookies: allow data to remain stored in the user’s device. This data can be accessed and handled by the cookie manager for an established period of time, which can vary from a few minutes to various years.

Technical cookies: allow the user to browse the webpage, website or application and use the different options and services provided. For example, these cookies are used to control website traffic and data communication, identify the session, enable access to restricted areas of the website, record details of an order, carry out the purchasing process of an order, enable users to request or register participation at an event, enable security features during browsing, store content to broadcast videos or sound files and share content through social networks.

Personalisation cookies: allow the user to access the service with certain features predefined depending on a series of criteria in the user’s device. For example, language, browser type used to access the service, regional configuration used to access the service etc.

Analysis cookies: allow users’ behaviour on the website to be monitored and analysed. Information gathered using this type of cookie is employed to measure activity on the webpage, application or website and to develop user browsing profiles for said webpage, application or website in order to implement improvements based on analysis of user behaviour.

The Article 29 Data Protection Working Party, in its statement of 4/2012, interprets that among the cookies exempt from fulfilling the obligations established in Article 22.2 of the Spanish Law of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI) are those used solely for communication between the user’s device and the network, and those strictly used to provide a service expressly requested by the user, including the following:

User input cookies (session-ID)
Authentication or user-identification cookies

User centric security cookies (for example, to detent mistaken and persistent attempts to access a website)
Multimedia content player session cookies
Load balancing session cookies
User interface customisation cookies
Third party social plug-in content sharing cookies

Session cookies and user input cookies are generally used to track user actions when they fill in online forms over various pages, or as a shopping basket to record the articles a user has selected by clocking on a specific button.

If users disable those cookies strictly necessary to provide services expressly requested by the user, they will not be able to consult and / or correctly receive the content and services provided by www.soloartinstitute.com.

The cookies used by www.soloartinstitute.com are listed below:
Name cookie_notice_accepted
Domain soloartinstitute.com
Purpose accept or not cookies
Lifespan 1 month

Colección SOLO also uses analysis cookies provided by Google Analytics to analyse our website. These cookies gather information about how visitors use our website, which can then be employed to improve users’ browsing experience. Disabling these cookies will not affect the functioning of www.soloartinstitute.com.
Google Analytics is a data analysis tool provided by Google, which helps websites and application owners to understand the way users interact with these services. Google Analytics works with a set of cookies to gather information and provide statistics on website use without identifying Google users personally. More information on

Google Analytics cookies and privacy is available at https://developers.google.com/analytics/resources/concepts/gaConceptsCookies.

Some sections of the Website can connect with a range of social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or etc. Users should consult the cookies policies of each of these before using their services.

You can allow, block or eliminate the cookies installed on your device by configuring the options on your web browser. Links to the instructions on how to do this for the main web browsers are provided below:

– Explorador de Internet
– Google Chrome
– Google Chrome para Android
– Mozilla Firefox
– Safari
– Safari para IOS (iPhone – iPad)

Browser software is constantly being updated and modified so we cannot guarantee that these instructions apply to the web browser version you are currently using. You may also be using another browser not included on this list; in this case, you should consult your browser help page to configure cookie use on your device.

Should you wish to withdraw your consent to the present Cookies Policy at any time, you should eliminate the cookies stored in your device using your internet browser settings and configuration.

The present Cookies Policy aims to inform you in a clear and precise manner about the cookies used by www.soloartinstitute.com. If you require more information on cookie use, you can request it by emailing (info@soloartinstitute.com).